*In Memoriam*
Rev. Fr. Stan Swamy
Tony Vickers
Blast in the Park!
L/Nk Hanumanthappa Koppad
Rohit Vemula
Martin Sylvester Gillespie

Quotation of the day Century!
…the struggle in India would continue so long as a handful of exploiters go on exploiting the labour of the common people for their own ends. It matters little whether these exploiters are purely British capitalists,… or even purely Indians.
Bhagat Singh (March 3, 1931)  

Quotation of the day!
For great men, religion is a way of making friends; small people make religion a fighting tool.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
— Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India

Special News & Events
Current Article
~ None ~
* * * * *
Articles From The Past
Massacre of the Innocents! — 6th April, 2017
To Die For…! — 27th September, 2016
The Milk of Human Kindness — 21st August, 2016
Rumours of a Crucifixion — Good Friday, 25th March, 2016
Justice and Rebellion — 25th February, 2016
Remembering Kalpana Chawla (1st February, 2016)
AN Article! — 1st January, 2016
Dord et alia (28th February, 2015)

The Bhagat Singh You Didn't Know! − (Birth Anniversary 28th September, 2014) –
Original link
Updated link

* * * * *

Must read!
Special Interest Article
An Even Closer Look In The Mirror
When our system is sadistic enough to incite a bright young mind to suicide, all we are left with to do is to read the poignant last words of one of our very own children.

A Close Look In The Mirror
"The two-year-old died a horrible death because the system did not care enough to want her to live."
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
- Pogo    

The Internet of Crime
Internet Espionage!
Criminal Education!

Interesting links...
Music Videos
Young Talent
Leonne & Roxanne Castellas -
"Walking On"
Leonne & Roxanne Castellas -
"I Like The Mess"
Leonne Castellas -
"On Drums"

Leonne Covering -
Dave Weckl's Mud Sauce (Mar. 15, '13)
Leonne Covering -
Dave Weckl's Island Magic (Mar. 15, '13)
Leonne Going Solo-
Drumming The Sound Fantastic! (Mar. 15, '13)
Fantastico, dude!
Wa-a-a-y to go, champ!

Leonne At Musicians Institute, Hollywood -
(The following videos are of Leonne at Musicians Institute, Hollywood, Los Angeles.)

Cover of "More is Enough - Plan B"
Cover of "Just A Dream - Nelly"
Cover of "When I'm Gone - Wiz Khalifa"
Cover of "Alive - Mind Vortex"

Jude Corneille & ZZid -
"Jaane Yeh Kya Hua"

Jude Corneille (Solo) -

Cover of "Kuchh Is Tarah - Atif Aslam"
Fantastico, dude!
Sung straight from the heart!

The New Horizons -
"Country Music Live!"

Pink Floyd -
Led Zeppelin -
"Kashmir - Live"
Jimmy Page, Jack White, & Edge -
"Kashmir - Jam Session"
The Who -
"Who Are You?"
Frank Zappa, Patrick O'Hearn, Terry Bozzio -
"Rubber Shirt"
Frank Zappa -
"The Sheik Yerbouti Tango"

Baby, baby! #1  (FB login required)
Baby, baby! #2  (FB login required)
Nikhil Peter (F3 - Netherlands/Germany)  (FB login required)
Nikhil Peter (Racing Experience)  (FB login required)

Useful stuff!
Convert Units  (Courtesy: Thomas Hainke = DataQualityApps.com)
Create Great Animated GIFs  (Courtesy: Patrick Ahlbrecht = www.onyxbits.de)
Electronics (Ooops!)  (Courtesy: Colin Mitchell)
Talking Electronics  (Courtesy: Colin Mitchell)
Tesla's Secret (Oh, no! Anudder (shudder!) SEKRET!)  (Courtesy: Colin Mitchell)
Wonderful vector templates!  (Courtesy: André le Roux = www.vectortemplates.com)

The Free Dictionary by Farlex!
Online Reference
Dictionary, Encyclopedia & more

"Friend"-ly Sites!

The Anglo-Indians of Rajasthan

C'mon, men! We're having housie!


A Work-in-progress!

Donny's Blog!

Matters that matter to Donny!

Nikhil Peter

Take a ride on the wild side!

Nikhil's BlogSpot

Sangram Routray

A Genius of An Artist!

Martin Gillespie
(Requiescat… July 12th, 2015)

Picture Gallery

Ramya's Page 01
Milton's Page 01
Milton's Page 02
Baby Neil's Page 01
At The Castellas' Page 01

Photos from Katni, M.P. (2012).
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep...

A Sylvan Scene

Another Sylvan Scene

Fiat lux! . . . And it was!                        I See The Light! Do you?

The Long And Winding Road...     v/s         ... The Straight And Narrow!

... and, once again, I've been put in the shade!

The King On His Throne

Photos from the KISAN-2012 Exhibition, Pune.
At the KISAN-2012 agriculture exhibition

Explaining the Dosatron fertigation injector
(... though they're more interested in my nose than the injector!)

Blast From The Past!
Staff Picnic - St. Xavier's Staff - 1968.
This is a photograph of the staff of St. Xavier School, Jaipur enjoying a staff picnic.
My mother, Mrs. H. Chapman, was a member of the staff of St. Xavier's (1966 - 85).
In this photograph you can see Rev. Fr. R.A. Pereira, S.J. (Principal), and Rev. Fr. Marianan, S.J. (Vice-Principal).
Some faces that I can put a name to are:
Miss M. Francis, Miss Sircar, Miss Sinha, Miss Rose Rodrigues, Miss Roberta Joseph, Miss Daphne Pinto, Miss Muriel Miranda, Miss Barbara Jacob, Mrs. Anand, Mrs. M. Viego, Mrs. Nanda, Mrs. Talwar;
Mr. Brandon, Mr. D.K. Singh, Mr. Stephen Soreng, Mr. Pareek, Mr. Hari Ram Asrani, Mr. N.L. Jain, Mr. Robin Francis, Mr. Maheshwari, Mr. Tony Simon, Mr. Khan, Mr. Mathai.

There are a few faces that I can't put a name to (and maybe I've mis-named a few persons in this photograph) — can you help?
Just write in to hilton@chapmanhilton.com with a few particulars of yourself and I'll make the amendations as required.
If I get a sufficient volume of responses I may start off a separate page for Xavier staffers and students!
(Pssst! There's an Easter egg in this photograph! If you click the secret spot you'll get to see another photograph with 3 Easter eggs!)

St. Xavier's Staff
Newly-acquired photograph of the St. Xavier's Staff (uncertain which year)
In this photograph, I can spot (top to bottom, left to right):
Top row: Mr. Nair, Mr. Leslie D'souza, Rev. Fr. Rosenfelder, Mr. Bhagwan, Mr. Gopal (electrician)
2nd row: Mr. Anand S. Junia, Mr. Hari Ram Asrani, Mr. Isaac Barno, Mr. R.L. Sharma, Mr. Mahesh, Mr. Waheed
3rd row: Mr. Peter Lakra, Mr. Arthur Valles, Mr. Stephen Soreng, Mr. Crispin Lobo
4th row: Ms Maya David, Mrs. R. Kaul, Ms. Olive Paul, Mrs. C. Valles, Ms. Smith
Front row: Mrs. Talwar, Mrs. Farell, Ms. Sinha, Mrs. Alexander, Ms. M. Francis, Ms. Sircar, Mrs. Nanda, Mrs. Samuel, Mrs. H. Chapman.
My apologies to all those that I left unnamed, and worse still, those that I mis-named!
Again, any hints and corrections of the identities of the persons in this photograph will be greatly appreciated!
Write to: hilton@chapmanhilton.com

Photos of my dearest friends! (2012)
My Bestest Friend - Pierre Manzi (Perth, 2012)

Gianella Townend (also my bestest friend), husband Terry, and their son, Stuart. (UK, 2012)

Nostalgia break!
Growing up in Bhusawal, my closest childhood friends were Pierre and Gianella Manzi. I spent most of my time with them, at either of our places. We attended the same school, St. Aloysius', run by Carmelite nuns. In fact, we weren't friends, we were family. Then, fate intervened, and I left Bhusawal for Jaipur. Since then, 1966, we fell out of contact (blame me for that!) and life rolled on. Just last year (2012), thanks to Batchmates.com, Gianella contacted me and through her I got back in touch with Pierre. Pierre is in Perth, Australia, and Gianella is in London, UK.
Thanks, Gian! Thanks, Pio!
And thank you, God, for giving me Gian and Pio!
Wish you and your families all the best! Good luck, good health, and God bless!

Update - March 20th, 2014

Belle Villa, Bhusawal - March 20th, 2014.
Pierre just came down to India and went to see the old home. He was shocked (and so am I) to see the old home in such a derelict and dilapidated condition!

Theodore Villa, Bhusawal - March 20th, 2014.
This is where I used to live pre-1966! Sad!
Both the photographs were clicked by Pierre on his recent trip to Bhusawal.

The Three Villas

Belle Villa (where Pierre and Gian used to live), Elaine Villa, and Theodore Villa (where I used to live) formed a triad of villas all built by Anglo-Indians just around Independence. All three were single-storeyed structures with flat roofs. As far as I can remember, all three had skylights built into the middle transverse portion that was higher than the fore and aft portions. Large windows let in plenty of natural light and air. The plinth was a good two-and-a-half to three feet off the ground to keep creepy crawlies out. All three were designed to have three sections - thus, each villa could be home to three families at a time. All three villas were set in spacious grounds with plenty of fruit trees as well as shade trees. As far as I can recall, all three had open wells to supply water since the municipal water supply didn't reach these villas, as these villas were on the very outer edge of Bhusawal. Theodore Villa and Elaine Villa were on the same side of the road leading out of Bhusawal to the next village, Varangaon. Belle Villa was directly across the road from Elaine Villa.

The Good Ol' Alma Mater - St. Aloysius' School, Bhusawal!

Wow! Wasn't like that in my days!

That's Pierre pointing out his classroom!

Established 1874, 140 years ago! Historic!
That's almost as old as I am!!!

St. Aloysius Convent School, Bhusawal
St. Aloysius Convent School, Bhusawal, was run by the Carmelite nuns. I don't know the full history of the school apart from the fact that it was established in 1874. When I joined the school it was in the same campus as the Roman Catholic parish church, the Church of The Sacred Heart. This campus is located right next to the main railway station, Bhusawal Junction, which is in the Central Railway zone. Then, while I was still studying there, the school relocated to a sprawling campus on the far side of town, just about a couple of kilometres from the River Tapti. These photographs are of the "new" campus building.
All three photographs were clicked by Pierre on his recent (March, 2014) trip to Bhusawal.

Barnett's Babes!
Ian Barnett is one of the saintliest persons I know, and I'm proud to have him as a friend! He loves gardening and spends his whole time pottering away in his garden watching over his darling plants - reminds me of those gentle monks in their monasteries! Such a saint!
(Calm down, now, calm down! Don't go blowing a fuse! Mind your BP! Simmer down, willya?)

Debbie Doll!!! (Jaipur, 2012)

Bubbling with Life!

...butter won't melt in her mouth!!!
Innocence personified!

... and that's called "catch 'em young!"
Is she the same innocent one in the previous photo???


School, here I come! (Jaipur, 2013)

…and Dheeraj!

All About Dominic "Donny" Joseph!
I've known Dominic ever since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. Now, I'm knee-high to him!
He keeps me on my toes with all his "But why?"-s and "only axin"-s.
We share the same interests like: sleeping, arguing for the sake of arguing, sleeping, arguing for the sake of arguing, sleeping, arguing for the sake of arguing, sleeping, arguing for the sake of arguing, sleeping, argu.......
Aaarghhh! Stop banging (ow! ow!) my head (ow! ow!) on the (ow! ow!) blinking (ow! ow!) ceiling! Aaa-aaaaaa-arghhhh!

Tell me again... which one is Donny???

Wedding Bells!
Dominic Joseph ("Donny" to his friends and enemies) tied the knot with Neeti Goyal this February (2013).
Congratulations, both of you, and here's wishing you a long and happy life of conjugal bliss!
God bless!

Or, "Quit pushing, willya?"
Or, "Stop it! You're (hee-hee!) tickling me! (hee-hee-hee-hee-hooo-hooo-haaa!)"
Or, "Who needs flashbulbs, dude! We've got teeeeeth!"
Special prize: Anyone who comes up with a better caption wins a FREE trip to the backside of Mars (with one fiancé/fiancée). Send your captions to hilton@chapmanhilton.com ASAP! If you're thinking of getting married, what could be better than a trip to the backside of Mars with your prospective spouse!!!

Purple haze???

Finally, finally, finally found you!

Together, forever,
and for ever and ever!

This guy is mine!


Donny and Neeti's
First Wedding Anniversary
(Feb. 12, 2014)
And there's no better place to celebrate it than on the beach! This is Goa, guys!
Donny, Neeti... wishing you all the very best on this your first wedding anniversary... and many, many happy returns of the day! God bless!

... and here they are "talkin' wid da fishies"!

Status update (Mar. 26, 2014):
Donny's started a blog documenting all the weird and wonderful things that just happen around him!
Visit the blog at: www.donomad.blogspot.in

A Really BIG Milestone in Donny's Life!
Today, that is the 29th of March, 2017, Donny has crossed one of the most important milestones in a person's life – today Donny has become the proud father of a bonny baby boy!
I wish for him to realise the importance of this event — and to effect the transition from being a loving father to being a good and selfless parent.

For Neeti
Neetu, may God shower His choicest blessings on you and your darling child!
God Bless the BOTH of you!


As easy as walking on water!

Georgeous George ... er, um, I mean, Gorgeous Gorge!

Young & Talented!
In the following section, I am pleased to present some young 'uns, who are going great guns! All of them are passionate about their particular talents, and are equally passionate about life!
Nikhil Peter, Yashika (aka Tanya) Routray, Leonne Oscar Castellas, Roxanne Castellas... I knew you all as babies (I knew your parents before they got married (heck, I knew some of them as children, even babies!)), so you'll have to tolerate my avuncular drivel!!! Sorry!

So, folks, give it up for these fine young talents, and let's all wish them a brilliant future and the very best in life!

In The Spotlight: Nikhil Peter
Nikhil "Boss" Peter - Racing in my blood!
Ok, dude, you're furious...! Now, get F-A-A-A-A-S-T!

Nikhil "Boss" Peter - Inclined To Race!

Nikhil "Boss" Peter - ... and he's vertical again!

Nikhil says: Yes, "I AM" propping myself up in Amsterdam!

Update (Feb. 28th, 2014)
Nikhil is currently in the U.S., doing his MBA from Hult Business School, Boston.
We wish him all the best in his studies. Good luck, dude!

Update (Aug. 21st, 2014)

CONGRATULATIONS! Nikhil graduated from Hult summa cum laude!
That's him, keeping the good ol' flag flying. Once again, "Congratulations, dude, you've done us all proud!"

Looking good in that mortarboard, old son!


Time to celebrate this momentous occasion! Cheers!

Great montage

Latest Update! Nikhil Gets MARRIED! Y-aaaa-aaaaa-Y! Click here

To see more wonderful pics of Nikhil click her.. (ooops, I mean) here

In The Spotlight: Yashika Routray
All photographs by Yashika Routray (2012)
Be Funky! Self-photograph (original)

Be Funky! Self-photograph (retouched by hc - 2013)
Now that's what I call artistic expression!
This photograph by Yashika Routray (Deepavali, 2012) puts a lot of pro shutterbugs to shame!

Kid sister Litti enjoys a sparkler with Dad!
Another great artistic photograph (Deepavali, 2012).

Up close and personal!
A close-up of kid sister, Litti.
And yet another artistic photograph!

Big sister is watching, Litti!

Yashika captures the light as it shines through the tall window onto the stairs.

A beautiful expression of teenage angst

Yashika Routray is a budding photographer. She studies in Std. XI (2012-13) in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jaipur.
Making do with a cellphone for a "camera", Yashika's ambition is to turn her hobby into a profession.
I wish her all the best! Go for it, girl! God bless!

In The Spotlight: Leonne Oscar Castellas
Leonne Oscar Castellas - A Passion for Drumming!

Leonne Oscar Castellas - ... and the beat goes on!

Leonne Oscar Castellas has a flair for drumming. Encouraged by his supportive parents, Leonne has worked hard to take his passion to the next level. He isn't one of your "crash-crash-wham-bam-bang" skin-beaters - he has a solid musical education that puts him head and shoulders above the crowd. Leonne has played for many a musical soirée, especially the ones for the Heritage Foundation.
At a personal level, Leonne is very affable and soft-spoken, traits that are a family hallmark.
I wish him all the best! Go for it, champ! God bless!

Update (Mar. 6th, 2014)
Leonne is currently in the U.S., doing his AAD from Musicians Institute, Hollywood.
We wish him all the best in his studies. Good luck, champ!
Take a peek at what The Champ's doing at MI... click on the links in the left column.
These videos (on YouTube) are of our boy working out at MI. I'm sure you'll agree with me...
we've got a WINNER! Yaaaay-aay!!!
Some photographs

Musicians Institute - Full Frontal!
Musicians Institute - the one with the distinctive green arch - is smack dab on Hollywood Boulevard!
... and the Hollywood Walk of Fame! Can you see the stars?

Champ, you sure are meant to be walking the Walk of Fame!
... and this is where Leonne is! Boy!

Musicians Institute - Slant Left
A bit more of the stores to the left of MI.
Notice the Hollywood Guinness World Records - just two "shops" to the left of the MI.

Musicians Institute - Slant Right
A bit more of the neighbourhood to the right of MI.
Notice the Scientology building - the next but one to the right of the MI.

The View Across The Street
The International Dance Academy is right across the street from MI! And ...there's Frederick's of Hollywood!!! (Boy, I'm drooling!)
Almost across the street from MI is TCL (formerly Grauman's) Chinese Theater and just a wee bit further is the Dolby (formerly Kodak) Theater... that's the home of the Oscars!

Show me the way to go home...!


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Site Created: 8th August, 2012
Updated: 20th May, 2014
Drop me a line at: hilton@chapmanhilton.com
My location: Jaipur, INDIA.

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Thank you, vectortemplates, and André le Roux!

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